Hack Sign Mac Anu

  1. Hack Sign Mac Anuradha
  2. Hack Sign Mac Anushka Shetty
  3. Hack Sign Mac Anuradha Paudwal

Disclaimer: Ah, if I owned .hack, I could die happy… Sadly, I don't. I guess my little .hack collection will have to do. (And I bought two magazines just because they had .hack articles!)

Summary: The dark past of 'The World' has returned. The target: Haseo. As the Epitaph Users fall, the only one with answers is a poet's apprentice forgotten in time.

Random talk: Ah, I haven't done something relating to .hack in ages in terms of fanfics! The first one I did really sucked. It was one of those fics where it was what would happen if 'The World' was to come out for real and stuff from .hack happened to my friends and myself. It was cute, but I dislike those kind of stories. Not to mention it was written badly. I was killing myself when I decided to reread it once.

  1. Part 20.hack Mutation - //Update 07 -.hack//SIGN Reference //Update 07 Good evening everyone! Today's update isn't necessarily gonna be the most exciting, but it is pretty important all the same! Also if you pay close attention, and have a rudimentary knowledge of.hack//SIGN, you may recognize a.
  2. Aug 19, 2010  The beautiful theme of the Root Town Mac Anu. When I was younger, I had a very close friend. We both shared a love for videogames. I used to pick up my TV remote, turn the brightness all the way.
  3. Must be at least partially open world - town / cities (Root Towns in.hack Mac Anu ect) Dungeon / grind based gameply - hopefully not a quest grinder (Go to field, kill mobs, enter dungeon, clear dungeon get loot) Deep Character Customization - not looking for a game where every 3rd person I.

Hack Sign Mac Anuradha

Follow/Fav Opposite of HeavenSent. By: crescent-moon-demon. Bathed in the calm orange of a setting sun, Mac Anu was a picture of serenity and prosperity. The library especially was a crown jewel of the city. Located near the pinnacle of the riverside metropolis, beyond two stone wall gates and across a bridge where. Jun 24, 2019  I made this map, all the models and restored all the textures, based off the city of Mac Anu from the.dot//hack infection series. I did edit gravity textures. No real thanks to give out maybe besides browedit and its development team and gravity for textures. I use alot of client features, I did. Sep 02, 2012.hack//Sign, Episode 4: Wanted, Beginning-4:01. They, combined with the camera tilting up to show one of the bridges over the canal, provide an establishing shot of Mac Anu before we get into the meeting of Bear and Subaru, Silver Knight is there too.


Warnings: This fic contains mild language, shonen-ai (main pairing), some OOC moments, and minor OCs. Many things I will mention might be spoilers for some of you, of which I am sorry. They are important aspects of my story and are needed.

I am also taking the time to say I have changed, added, or gotten rid of certain aspects or details to fit my needs. This includes details that I have minimum knowledge of due to web sites (example: .hack//ZERO). If my information is wrong, remember, it's a fanfic. Translation: I can technically do what I want.

The Forgotten One

Prologue: Dream of Lost Memories

Mac Anu was beautiful like always. Its eternal sunset made the water in the canals glow along with the occasional gondola. The streets were full of players; some were even riding the gondolas. It was a true welcoming sight for new players.

Yet, this wasn't the Mac Anu Haseo knew. The one he was seeing looked like to could be in Venice more so then the one he was familiar with. No sign of Steam Bikes anywhere. Not to mention the players looked like they were from a fantasy story. In fact, their outfits made Haseo look out of place.

As he walked, he noticed a few things. For one, no one was paying any attention to him, as if he wasn't there. He would be sure someone would notice him since he really stuck out like a sore thumb. Even if he did fit in, some one would point out he was the three-sweep Emperor, which would lead him to run for his life. They also carried their weapons out in the open, usually in some kind of holster on their person. Then there was the sense of déjà vu he was having despite the new look of the root town. It was as if he had walked those same streets at one point.

A few players gave off a sense of familiarity as well. Three players looked like uncorrupted versions of Aura's Azure Knights were talking to a female Edge Punisher player with pink hair and skimpy armor. The knights were laughing while the girl was yelling. The Azure Kite player seemed to be more used to the girl's reaction then the other two.

A boy in brown robes, maybe a Harvest Cleric, was walking towards another female Edge Punisher that looked like the first one only with brown hair and red armor. A Blade Brandier that looked like the uncorrupted Azure Orca was coming from the other direction, heading for the same girl. The girl started to complain about how her companions were always late.

A girl in a blue dress with white angel wings holding an ax rode on a gondola. Behind her were three Blade Brandiers wearing a red outfit with some silver armor. One in particular looked like Silver Knight. The Blade Brandiers were talking to the girl like they were giving a report on a PKer of a place called Carmina Gadelica.

A purple cat Blade Brandier in green armor came from an alley way. A boy that looked like the earlier Harvest Cleric, only in purple, followed the cat player like a puppy. He overheard the boy calling the feline 'Mia' and talking about 'Aroma Grass'. The two proceeded to make plans to go to a dungeon to get the grass.

'What's going on?' Haseo muttered. His eyes were glued to the purple robed boy. Something about the boy felt more familiar then the Azure Knights counterparts.

'Fragments of memories,' a voice said from behind. This caused the Adept Rogue to jump in surprise (not that he would admit it to anyone) and turn around. A figure in ragged robes stood right behind him. The only distinguishable feature was the long green hair hanging on either side of his face.

'Who are you?' Haseo yelled as he got his twin blades ready to strike.

Hack Sign Mac Anushka Shetty

'Aw… I'm hurt,' the figure whined. 'You still don't remember?' He sighed as he drew his swords as well. Unlike the normal way Haseo was used to, the swords were part of his outfit, attached to his wrist.

Hack Sign Mac Anuradha Paudwal

Without warning, the figure charged at Haseo. The white Adept Rogue blocked the attack, glaring at the fool who dare attack the Terror of Death. The figure lifted his head enough to reveal red eyes.

'You need to remember,' he sang. 'Time's ticking…'

Ryou Misaki woke with a start. Sure, he's had dreams about 'The World' before, but they've been different lately. Every single one gave him a sense of déjà vu. The night before was at Hulle Granz Cathedral where a female Harvest Cleric in green and a male Lord Partizan in red were talking. Everything about his dreams just gave the 17-year-old boy the creeps.

His cell phone on the end table went off, signaling a text message. He reached for the device to see who was up at this hour besides him. A smile appeared as he read the message before calling the person up. No surprise that the other answered right away.

'Hey, Karou. It's Ryou.'


Random talk: Hope I didn't make things too confusing. You should have seen it the first time I typed this. It was even hard for me to follow!

Now for an important announcement: this story is one of four that I have posted to see which one I should focus on. Right now, there is a poll that will be up for one month. It will determine which fic I will work on. So, if you like this fic, go vote for it! You can pick up to two fics. Every vote counts!

Don't forget to review!

Rubi-chan, over and out!